Museon visit by group 3-4
In the groups 4 and 5, Ms Marianne will support the groups by working in small groups. In groups 6 and 7 Ms Hilda and Ms Simone (doing the plus group for infants on Fridays) will be giving the group extra support by working on taal (language skills) and calculating. Ms Marlou (who does the plus support for groups 3 and 4) and Ms Lidia have, so far, worked on begrijpend lezen (intensive reading) and calculating with group 8 children. At this moment, the children of group 8, mostly work on preparing for their musical and do their final tests.
Extended school day (Skills for Kids)
The class for hip hop for infants has been cancelled tomorrow. A number of persons guided the lesson, but organisation Skills for kids promised us that one teacher will do the remaining lessons.
You will be informed through an email by the organisation Skills for kids.
Final tests for CITO group 8
In our group, the average score for the final tests for CITO has been 539.4, which is a nice result and above the national average. We are very proud of our children attending group 8. Congratulations to all of you.
MR news
Our Oranjeschool MR is happy to announce that Rogier van Meeteren, father of Nova (group 5) and Ebba (group Zeesterren), offered to be candidate for MR.
Without further objections, we would like to welcome Rogier as new MR member at our next meeting planned on 8th June next.
Rogier’s Motivation: “My main priority is that children enjoy their school time. Children need to think of their school as a nice place to work on the foundation of their years to come. I would like to do my bit to make sure that this happens in a safe, healthy and pleasant way. We like to welcome you in the Oranjeschool MR!
Avondvierdaagse (4nights’walk): Between 1st and 4th June we like to join in the annual events for Avondvierdaagse. We will be walking 5 kilometres, every night, starting at swimming pool De Blinkerd.
Buying lunch cards Ms Hannie is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The only days available for sales of lunch cards, upstairs in the kitchen.
Lice check
Hooray, free of lice, unfortunately, not free of nits. The regarding groups received a letter already and they will receive extra check-ups. Please keep in mind to check thoroughtly! (and comb their wet hairs) The next check-up will be on Wednesday 3rd June next. Our school, has so far, been free of lice quite often. Mainly, due to your checks at home and………………. The monthly checks at school. Would it be possible for you to help out checking the children’s heads with other parents, please contact any members of the direction or OR. A number of groups will receive extra checks in the course of the week, we hope that we will be able to announce that our school is free of lice and nits again.
Next Wednesday 27th May, a trainer of the basketball club called STAR will visit our school to take care of a training for basketball for the groups 5-8. The lesson will be taken care of by the basketball club in order to promote matches of basketball with children.
schedule spelinloop activities for theme Dit ben ik!
Wednesday, 27th May for the red group
Friday 29th May for yellow and blue groups.
Tuesday 2nd June for all groups.
You will come, won’t you?
We informed you about our annual school trip in June earlier. Unfortunately, not all parents managed to return the fill strips letting us know that both you and your child will be going on the school trip. We have decided to make sure that we go, anyway. Please make note of our annual school trip in your agenda.
Date: Friday 26th June next
Location: Geitenboerderij “t Geertje”
Address: Geerweg 7 te 2381 LT Zoeterwoude
time: 9.45 tot 11.30 uur.
The trip will be free of charge. Coffee or tea can be bought at the farm, and will be for your own account. For the children the play groups will take care of a small snack.
Have a nice week!