Within the theme “accross the world” the children are busy moving all our “huishoek” items. Eend just cannot find a right spot for his house boat. The children check what items fit in one box and how to move these.
On Tuesday 24th March, we will finalize the theme in a festive manner with a circus performance. Just like Eend the artists travel around the world showing everyone their tricks. U bent van harte welkom om ons reizende circus te zien op treden.
The groups Zeepaardjes and yellow perform at 8.45am.
The groups Zeehondjes, Zeeslakjes and red perform at 11am.
And the groups Zeesterren and blue at 1pm.
In the groups the infants work a lot with computers and on ipads. Are familiar with the apps of the infant university called Klankklas? In the app the different characters are being worked with and practiced. It is an app that we pay for and from our point of view it is educational. The children get to hear the characters, practice with the first and last sounds of a word. In total we have 3 apps available to practice with the different sounds, which is a good preparation for learning to read.
The school board (Janneke Demoet en Lidia Taal) will be off to the annual study taken care of by SCOH that lasts for 2 days. Together with other SCOH school boards we work on what our school foundation SCOH is being occupied with. Part of this is the method we have been working on for a number of years now, work opbrengstgericht (with focus on revenues) and the views of our inspection and its changes. Wednesday will be all about the strategic policy and our school plans.
Elections Wednesday, 19th March the national elections have been planned for. This time as well, our school gymnastics hall will be set up as polling station. On this day the gymnastics lessons cannot continue but also the after school activities that cannot continue.
purchasing lunch cards
Ms Hannie is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. These are the only days to buy lunch cards in the kitchen upstairs.
School photographer Tuesday 17th March, our school photographer will visit our school as well as the Ukkepukkies. After school hours he has time for all siblings who do not attend either the school or the Ukkepukkies. The sign-in lists are placed on the table at the main entrance. Please make sure you fill in the list so that the photographer can work continually. At a certain time the photographer will not be able to stay until late in the afternoon. You will be informed separately in the course of this week.
We like to celebrate Easter on 2nd April in church and at school. We like to welcome you to attend the celebrations in church. All children need to come to school first and we like to walk to church and start there at 9am. At school they will have a special Easter lunch at school, so all children spend their lunch hour at school. At 2pm all children will head home for their Easter weekend, which is a long one since the children have the day off at 7th April, since the teachers will have a study day. This will also be the case on 18th May.
Skills for Kids, Extende school day at school, final period
As of September of this school year we, Skills for Kids, have co-operated in the after school activities at Oranjeschool. For the next period we will be offering a number of challenging and interesting activities. The activities suitable for infants (hip hop), groups 3 &4 (chemistry), groups 5 &6 (photography) and groups 7&8 (graffiti art). On our website you will find additional information and it is possible to register for the activities online. Fill in the form and send it to us, once confirmed you will receive an email. We hope for many exciting children and that the groups will be filled. Should you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us by phone 070-8509955. (hint: Click on BLOK 3, in the top right corner).
After two succesful performances we like to continue with the school choir. Would you still be interested in joining and you are attending one of the groups 5-8 do not hesitate and contact Ms Lidia Taal. In church we were fortunate since Ruben Knoester was able to guide us. It would be very nice to have someone guiding us structurally. We are now looking for someone who would be willing and able to guide us. Could you or would you be able to make time for us, please do not hesitate and let us know.
Practical and theoretical traffic exam for Group 7
Friday afternoon, 17th April children of group 7 (also children of Taalklas of group 7) need to come to school by bike in order to exercise the practical exam. Will parents be available to join? Please contact the group teacher. Thursday 16th April the theoretical traffic exam is being planned. A good way to practice will be by using a nice app available for tablets developed by VVN (Dutch association for safety in traffic) The official practical traffic exam has been planned on 26th May. By then it goes without saying that children need to bring the bike to school as well. This is also an appeal to parents to assist on that day as well. We like to thank you in advance. Hope you all succeed!
Watoto – Mission
Every 3 months Ms Ilse collects the saving boxes in the groups. So far, it has been a nice amount every time, which is good to see! The first time this school year group 5 had saved a nice amount and this time it was group 3 that took care of a very nice amount for our mission. We hope to continue like this, since by now we have saved €300 for Watoto.
Birthday treats It goes without saying that we like to see healthy treats. Check out some ideas at During the past week we saw a number of healthy treats, which we really appreciate! Candy being treated to the children will be given to the children to be eaten at home.
Lice check:
Hooray, we are still free of lice. Unfortunately, we are no longer free of nits. The groups concerned received a letter and will have extra checks. Please keep checking the children’s heads by combing the wet hairs, since the next check will be on Wednesday 1st April next. Our school has often been free of lice. This is of course because at home the children are being checked regularly but also at school. Would you be willing to help us out to check the children during school hours please contact a member of our school board or OR.
Coming to school too late:
Many children still enter the school after the second bell, which is too late. We would like to stress that coming to school on time is a necessity. It is not good for anyone if children enter the classroom late. When children of groups 3-8 are late: it is no longer necessary to get a “red” card, since sometimes that could mean loss of time (and at times even disturbing the group twice). The teacher makes note of children that enter the group late. The first bell is at 8.25am, if everyone could make sure to be in the group at that time, the lessons could actually start at 8.30am. (second bell) When children come late to school too often we have the obligation to notify the Hague department for leerplicht, which is when children are late 9 times or more.
School trip
Thursday 30 April 2015 we can look forward to the annual Oranjeschool school trip! This time, we made arrangements for amusement park Drievliet.
The expenses will be estimated at an amount of €25 per child. For now, we are busy calculating and you will be informed additionally about the exact amount.
Applying as guide for the group is not necessary just yet, since it is not clear for us yet what number we need to think of for every group. The trip will be applicable for groups 1-6. Groups 7 and 8 will not join.
Every Wednesday morning between 8.30am and 10.30am a nice group of parents attend this group to play with their child. We work on the same themes that the Ukkepukkies work on. At this moment that is the theme called “Circus”.
The schedule for activities for spelinloop related to the Circus theme:
Thursday 12th March for all groups
Tuesday 24th March for all groups.
Keep in mind that this is the theme’s closure, so it would be nice if you could all join in.
Tuesday 17th March our school photographer will visit all three groups.
Tuesday 17th March the school photographer will visit all of the groups. This means that the children of the blue group need to be at the group at 10am to have the (group) pictures taken. The blue group will then be invited to come at their usual time in the afternoon. The red and yellow groups will be able to stay the entire morning, like they always do.
We will soon have the 10-minute talks again. Meaning that, as usual, you will be able to register for these. The lists will be hung up in the hall as of Monday, next week. The talks are being planned on Monday 30th March, Tuesday 31st March and Wednesday 1st April.
We wish you a nice week!