Every school day at 8.15am our doors open for children and their parents. All children head for their groups and the first bell rings at 8.25am and at 8.30am a second bell rings, which is the moment the teacher would really like to start teaching. All children need to be in their group at that time. When a child is too late the teacher will make note of it. When a child comes late for 3 times or more you will receive a letter urging you to enter the school on time. After 6 times we will invite you for an conversation, if you do not improve and come late 9 times or more we have the obligation to inform leerplicht and after 12 times leerplicht will invite you for a conversation. Sometimes parents receive a warning but most of the times you can expect a monetary penalty, since this type of absence is usually illegitimate. Additional information can be found on www.leerplicht.denhaag.nl . Please inform our school daily when your child is ill and make sure you hand in a written note when your child is not at school on time due to an appointment for GP or dentist. (Or copy of the appointment(s))
During the theme called buiten spelen we pay attention to playing outside. In the streets (on the sidewalks), in the play ground, on our school yard but also in the woods or at the beach. At the moment the weather is nice to make a stroll at the beach. It is lots of fun to play soccer or build a sand castle. At the beach it is also possible to search for beach treasures like different types of shells. Perhaps it is even much more fun to bring for the beach treasures to school or to a grandparent and talk to them about it. Together with your child you could create a box particularly for the beach treasures.
On our website you will be able to find a special paper called speurblad, which is downloadable. If you print the paper and stick it on to a box for 10 eggs your child could use the box to show the shells in the box and tell everyone about their treasure hunt.
We will also pay a visit to the library during the theme, for which we like to ask two to four parents to walk with us. Please contact the group teacher if you are interested in walking along with us to the library.
• The group Zeeslakjes will be heading for the library on Thursday, 10th September at 10am and we leave school at 9.30am.
• The group Zeesterren will go on Friday 11th September at 09am uur, and will leave school at 8.30am.
• The group Zeepaardjes leave on Friday 11th September at 9.30am and have the appointment at 10am.
• The group Zeehondjes leave on Friday 18th September at 8.30am and have the appointment at 9am.
In the hall, we have a new info sign on which you will be able to find additional information on the infant groups – instead of the different pieces of paper on the group windows.
Our school is proud to call itself a non-smoking school, which is applicable for our school yard as well.
invitation: Children and social media
Tuesday 22nd September between 8.30 and 10pm, location: Central library – Spui 68, Den Haag
Nowadays, lots of children make use of social media like Facebook, Instagram at very young age. What could be risks? And how could you talk to your child about it? The central library would like to invite you (parents and teachers) for an evening to enlarge your knowledge and discuss about the topic in cooperation with GGD Haaglanden. By the end of the theme night you will be going home with fresh new ideas on the social media to talk about these with your child(ren) and with school.
What will we do exactly?
Justine Pardoen has specialised in media education and will take care of a sparkling introduction on the children’s world of media. Afterwards, two actors will play an interactive piece of theatre called the De Nieuwe Lichting. They will use familiar dilemmas around upbringing and the use of social media: do we know enough to start a conversation with a child? It is easier said than done that you need to talk to adolescents about internet but about sexual themes on internet as well. How could you handle that more easily? Do children still need education on media, and are they not quite a bit smarter on the topic than we are? We would like to give you tips and tricks on what you really need to know and how to use that knowledge in your conversation with your child.
Theatre De Nieuwe Lichting
The actors who are part of the theatre will take care of an interactive play. They have gotten used to provoking and inspiring with their plays. Their main goal is to give their audience food for thinking and inviting people to form an opinion. Core ingredients will be humour and familiarity.
Feel free to come by, the evening is free of charge. Make sure you reserve a place through number 070 353 44 10 or by email dic@dobdenhaag.nl.
New Colleague
In our school, you might see someone new, whose name is Henny Bult. She helps us out supporting children from different groups who need extra attention. Both Astrid vd Bergh and Henny Bult work on this type of extra support, which starts next week. During the conversations held last week you may have heard their names. Henny Bult will invite the parents of the children to discuss her plans on supporting the children.
Lunch cards and payment
Lunch cards can be bought with Ms Hanny, but it would also be very nice if you could pay through your bank account, using NL65ABNA0580598128, mentioning your child’s name and group. (please remember to mention that it is for the purchase of a lunch card). We will be very thankful. For an entire year in the upper groups the expenses will be €180.00 and for six months it will be €90.00 (cheaper than the different cards). In the lower groups an entire year will be €140.00. The parental fee is still an amount of €32.50. Please use our school account to pay this amount, which we use for the additional activities to make the school year extra attractive. With help of our active and enthusiast Ouderraad (parent council).
Pauzefit This year as well, we will start with pauzefit, the children spending their lunch hour at school will be able to attend the sports lessons during their lunch hour guided by a qualified teacher of the foundation called Wijs. It goes without saying that the children do get time to eat quietly as well.
School swimming has started again.
Children of groups 5 and 6 will have swimming lessons on Monday mornings. We hope that a number of parents will be willing to guide them. For the swimming lessons we have arranged transport by bus, which costs €24 per child to be paid into our school account NL65ABNA0580598128, mentioning the child’s name and group number.
Homework guidance
For children of groups 7 and 8 only we have arranged homework guidance, for which you can hand in an application with the group teacher. We will start on Thursday 17th September between 3 and 4pm. The final lesson will be on Thursday 9th June 2016.
We just received the new brochure. With the brochure you will be additionally informed when you get to register your children.
Holidays 2015-2016
Study day 14th September
Prinsjesdag 15th September
Sinterklaas Friday afternoon of 4th December
Fall holiday 19th – 23rd October
Christmas holiday 21st December – 1st January 16
Spring holiday 22nd – 26th February 2016
Good Friday & Eastermonday 25th and 28th March
Koningsday Wednesday 27th April 2016
May holiday 2nd – 17th May
Summer holiday 11th July – 19th August
Social worker related to Oranjeschool
I would like to make use of this occasion to introduce myself. My name is Annemieke van Mulligen and I am social worker related to Oranjeschool. Every Wednesday as of 8.30am and on Thursday as of 1pm I am at the school where you could come by for a conversation. The topics I work on are very diverse, for instance:
• When your child is being teased, teases himself or has difficulties with school(work)
• When your child has been troubled by difficulties
• When your child has problems with listening or fights a lot
• When your child’s self-confidence is low
• When your family is going through a rough period (for instance due to a divorce, troubles of different natures, financial or otherwise)
In a first conversation I would like to take a closer look at your situation and together we will find out which steps need to be taken. Perhaps you might need another type of help. The social worker related to school is free of charge. Should you want to contact me, please feel free to give me a call on: 06-41726944 or by sending me an e-mail: a.vanmulligen@smw-basisschool.nl Yours truly,
Annemieke van Mulligen
Like you can all see that Ms Stephanie is expecting a baby and her maternity leave will soon start. Friday 25th September will be her last day at our play groups and we hope to see her again in good health in the course of January next year (2016). Ms Stephanie will be replaced, of course and for her we arranged for someone to fill the gap permanently whose name is Priscilla Nijman. She will start on 20th September on days that Ms Stephanie will still be there as well. That way, the children get used to a new face slowly.
The gymnastics lessons for the red and yellow group has changed. These two groups will have their gymnastics lessons on Tuesdays in the morning. Please make sure your child wears clothes in which they get to move easily. Think of a pair of leggings, or jogging trousers etc. Please do not wear tights on the days they have gymnastics?
In the month September we will be closed on Monday 14th September in the afternoon and Tuesday 15th September the entire day due to Prinsjesdag.
On 29th September, the afternoon, the playgroups will be closed as well.
In November we also have an afternoon that the play groups will all be closed: Tuesday 3rd November.
First aid lessons for children On 29th September we like to take care of a class on first aid for children for parents of children attending the groups spelenderwijs or Ukkepukkies. When you registered for this night, please make note of it in your agenda. Later on, we will announce what time it will all start.
Spelinloop activities
During the theme called “Hoera, een baby!” (Hooray, a baby) we will organise activities for spelinloop, like you have gotten used to. During the theme we will have an activity for spelinloop every week, for which we will ask you to stay for fifteen minutes longer. This will be at the start of the lessons. We will announce the schedule in this news letter (below) please take this in consideration and write it in your agenda. We will also hang up a schedule on the white board at the entrance. We will also inform you additionally through the white board.
Spelinloop activity for theme called “hoera, een baby!”
Wednesday 9th September for the red group.
Friday 11th September for the yellow and blue group.
Thursday 17th September for all groups.
Tuesday 22nd September for all groups.
(an activity that will take place in the gymnastics hall and
will take little longer than 15 minutes.
Please write this in your agenda)