By now, Sinterklaas left for Spain and we are heading for the dark and festive days before Christmas. Our school was decorated by the members of our OR in co-operation with Anita, who volunteered! For which we are very thankful, and which is why we get to enjoy the sparkling lights of the trees and stars every morning!
Skills for Kids – Extended school day; second block
Registrations for the second block started on Tuesday 1st December. We heard that a number of activities still have places available. Visit the website to get additional information and register for the following activities:
Tuesday: infant theatre – groups 1 and 2 (gymnastics hall, starts at 3pm immediately)
Thursday: filting wool – groups 3 and 4 (upstairs in the kitchen)
Thursday: hip hop – groups 7 and 8 (gymnastics hall)
Friday: extreme sports – groups 5 and 6 (gymnastics hall)
Registrations through the website:
All of the lessons will be in our school.
Parking; picking up and bringing your child(ren)
When you pick up or bring your child(ren) please make sure to find a parking space first before bringing your child to the group or picking him or her up from the group. At the moment cars are being parked in the street or even on sidewalks creating obstructions for other traffic or creating unsafe situations. It could also be unpleasant for neighbors for who it is made impossible to walk out the door with bicycle, pram or rollator. We hope to be able to count on your co-operation.
Could children of groups 7 and 8 please use the bicycle racks next to the gymnastics hall.
We are still receiving applications for klassenouder for which we are very thankful. In January, we would like to plan a meeting in order to find out what we can expect from each other and what the possibilities are. You could still apply for the position of klassenouder.
Trips: On regular basis we organise trips to the library or Museon. For children, a library subscription is free of charge.
Christmas. We would like to inform you on time, since we would really enjoy celebrating Christmas with parents in church (Prinses Juliana church, located at the corner of Nieboerweg and Tesselsestraat) on Thursday 17th December at 5.00pm. Afterwards, we would like to walk back to school to enjoy the annual Christmas dinner. This means that the children will be off school at noon and will be expected at the church around 5pm for the Christmas celebrations (with songs and other festivities). Around 7.00pm the children can be picked up again at school in their own groups. Keep in mind that the children have the afternoon off. We wish everyone a merry christmas. Friday 18th December the children have a regular morning, except for the children from groups 1-4 who get to sleep in and will be able to walk in between 8.30 and 9.30am. That day, we all get to enjoy a well-deserved holiday as of noon. We will inform you additionally through a special letter about Christmas and the festivities. You can also expect an invitation for the school Christmas dinner arranged by our parent council. We would like to invite all…
Department of Leerplicht
Every school day, at 8.15am our doors open for children and their parents. All children head for their groups and the first bell rings at 8.25am and at 8.30am a second bell rings, which is the moment the teacher would really like to start working. When a child is (too) late the teacher will make note of it. When a child comes late for 3 times or more you will receive a letter urging you to make sure your child is at school on time. After 6 times we will invite you for a conversation, if we do not notice improvement and your child is late 9 times or even more, we have the obligation to inform leerplicht and after 12 times leerplicht will invite you for a conversation. Sometimes parents receive a warning but most of the times you can expect a monetary penalty, since this type of absence is usually illegitimate. Additional information can be found on
Please inform the school every day when your child is ill, preferably before school starts. When he or she has to visit a GP or other doctor, please make sure the teacher receives a copy of your appointment. Thank you.
Please note:
In group 5 a child has been infected with impetigo; usually innocent but rather contagious. Shoud you notice red spots and feel itchy then a visit to GP is not an overreaction. With antibiotics the aillnes will be vanished in no time. Another child has been infected by shingles. Fortunately, we have not be plagued by head louse for a while. During the last check no nits or lice have been found. Thank you for checking your children’s heads.
Lunch cards and payment(s)
Lunch cards can be bought with Ms Hannie (in the kitchen upstairs). But it would be easier if you could make the payment through your bank account, using our school account with number NL65ABNA0580598128 please remember to mention your child’s name and group and make sure that you mention it is for the payment of your child’s lunch hour (overblijf). For an entire year in bovenbouw this will be an amount of €180 and for six months €90 (cheaper than buying the cards separately). In onderbouw the amounts will be €140 for the year and for six months €70. It is no longer possible to make loose payments for one lunch hour. A card of, for example €5 does not lose its value. Should you pay for six months or the entire year, the teacher will be informed and in case of payment for six months, then the teacher will let you know when you need to pay again. When arrears in payments for overblijf occurred the arrears needed to be made up first. You will be informed about any arrears through a letter.
Parental fee:
The parental fee (Oranjeschool) still an amount of €32.50, please pay this amount through our school account as well for all the extra’s our school has to offer the children with help of our enthusiast members of ouderraad. (Parent council, which we would like to thank for the efforts in decorating the school) For school as well, December is a month with lots of expenses. (The presents and Christmas dinner) We would like to draw your attention to pay the parental fee, if you have not been able to, just yet. The money is being used to pay for all the extra things for the children. Both the parental fee and the fee for swimming can also be paid for by having the Ooievaarspas scanned, which is possible every day except for Wednesday.
Holidays 2015-2016
Christmas holiday 21st December – 1st January 16
spring holiday 22nd – 26th February 2016
Good Friday & Easter Monday Friday 25th and Monday 28th March
Konings day Wednesday 27th April 2016
May holiday 2nd – 17th May
Summer holiday 11th July – 19th August
Social worker related to Oranjeschool (SMW) available on Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. The social worker related to school is free of charge and works confidentially. Should you want to contact her, please feel free to give her a call on: 06-41726944 or by sending an e-mail:
School guide
At the start of the school year you received the school guide and unfortunately we have noticed a couple of mistakes. The first one is the fee we ask for swimming, which is an amount of €24.00 for children in groups 5 and 6. Another annoying error is the fact that we would hand out healthy snacks during overblijf. A year ago, this was true, since we received school fruits. This year, the children spending their lunch hour at school receive Pauzefit for a period of 3 weeks, in which they move and are active after their lunch. Usually at the small school yard at the back of the school, but also in the gymnastics hall. This is very healthy and we like to offer variety in movements during the lunch break. We like to apologize for the incorrect information.
With this newsletter you received the flyer for Christmas and the invitation for the PLUS group expositions.
Exposition Plus group for children of groups 2 & 3
Central Theme: arts
Dear parents, teachers and fellow peers,
In the school kitchen you could come by to admire our work
We learned a lot about colours and pointillism. We also made some selfies and have been studying abstract art and architecture.
We like to welcome parents before or after school hours. The groups can come by if the teacher would like to take a moment for this.
All the children attending the plus groups wish you lots of fun!