Dear parents and care takers
After almost 8 years’ working at Ukkepukkies, I decided to stop working. My final work day will be 1st April.
I always enjoyed working with the children and learned a great deal from working here. I would like to thank everyone for the trust they had in me during the past few years. Thanks to your enthusiasm and the children’s enthusiasm it always felt nice being here. At the moment, it is time for a new phase in my life. I look forward to this very much! Kind regards,
Ms Jeana
Goodbye We already said goodbye to Henny Bult, who worked at our school temporarily and will start working at another school now. We are so glad that Ms Elise Mallegrom returned from her maternity leave; she will take over a number of the tasks of Ms Henny.
After the holiday, a number of interns have now started at our school; at the infant groups but they are also helping out during gymnastics lessons.
Both our children and the Ukkepukkies created quite a number of art works. So nice to see, that you learned a whole lot about colours, shapes, painters and artists. On Thursday 3rd March, an exhibition of all the works of art have been exhibited in our Oranjemuseum. We would like to welcome the parents as of 1pm; at first the Zeesterren, at 1.45pm the Zeehondjes, the Zeeslakjes at 2.30pm. The Zeepaardjes have been able to admire the works in the morning at 8.30am.
School photographer at school, for all children of school, with brothers and sisters on Tuesday 26th April.
Parking; bringing and picking up
Unfortunately, we noticed that not everyone is aware of the effects of wrongfully parking your car. This quarter also has a police officer, who will also be checking whether cars are being parked correctly.
Bicycles; The children of groups 7 and 8 need to use the bicycle racks next to the gymnastics hall.
Trips: Our school visits the library and Museon regularly. For your information, a library subscription is free of charge for children.
Zagazoo, after school care
Were you aware that our school co-operates with Triodus for after school care? We call it BSO, which is located in our building. The Zagazoo makes sure children receive after school care between 3pm and 6pm. Ms Deborah and Ms Lisette like to guide activities and prepare a snack for children. They make sure the children enjoy themselves. The Zagazoo is also available for day care during holidays or other days that the school is not open (for instance a study day) between 7.30 am and 6pm. Do not hesitate to walk by the Zagazoo for additional information.
Please inform the school every day when your child is ill, preferably before school starts. When he or she has to visit a GP or other doctor, please make sure the teacher receives a copy of your appointment. Thank you.
Lunch hour and payments
Lunch cards are still available with Ms Hanny on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. It is also possible to make payments through your bank account using NL65ABNA0580598128. Please remember to mention your child’s name, group and of course that the amount is meant for overblijf. It is cheaper to pay for the entire year; for bovenbouw this will be an amount of €180.00 and for onderbouw €140.00. For 6 months the amounts will be €90.00 and €70.00.
It is no longer possible to pay for one separate time. A card of, for instance €5.00, will not lose its value for quite some time. When you paid for the entire year or for 6 months, we will inform the teacher. The teacher will also let you know until when the payments are due. In case of a giant arrear in payments we will inform you through a letter that you need to wipe off the arrears before your child could spend its lunch hour at school again.
Parental fee
The parental fee (Oranjeschool) is still an amount of €32.50. For children starting as of January, for this school year the amount will be €16.00. Please make sure this amount has been paid for, since we use it to pay for the additional activities our school offers the children with help of our enthusiast members of Ouderraad. (Many thanks for decorating our school) Therefore, we like to ask you to pay the parental fee! The money is being used to make sure all children get to join in the extra activities our school has to offer. The parental fee and payments for transport to the swimming pool can also be paid for by having the Ooievaarspas scanned at our school administration. This is possible every day, except for Wednesday. In some cases an amount will be left over, which will then be used to pay for the annual school trip. We try to keep the amount for the school trip at approximately €25.00.
After the meeting some weeks ago, we have now started with klassenouders. This means, that a parent related to the group could ask you to help out organising an activity for the group, all to support the teacher. We still do not have a sufficient amount of group related parents. Are you still interested, please contact the group teacher. Wednesday morning 2nd March the children’s heads had been checked for lice again by parents related to OR and /or group related parents.
Report cards
The teacher is supposed to be in posession of all report cards by the end of this week. In the week of 22nd March, the children will be receiving their report cards again. You will then receive an invitation for a conversation and afterwards, the child will receive its report card.
Holidays this year 2015-2016
Good Friday & Friday 25th March &
Easter Monday Monday 28th March
Koningsdag Wednesday 27th April 2016
May holiday Between 2nd and 16th May
Summer holiday Between 11th July and 19th August 2016
Social worker related to Oranjeschool (SMW) available on Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. The social worker related to school is free of charge and works confidentially. Should you want to contact her, please feel free to give her a call on: 06-41726944 or by sending an e-mail:
CPC loop Sunday 6th March will be the day! All parents and children who handed in a strip earlier received an additional letter. Next Friday, the children will receive a t shirt – and then we need to keep the fingers crossed so the weather will be nice… Sunday, we will have stand no 69. Please make sure to be there on time, so we have enough time to pin the numbers to the shirts.
Lost and found items
At the gymnastics hall a number of items stay behind; jackets, bags, socks, gymnastics shoes and many more items. Please make sure you pick up the items belonging to your child(ren). Items that have not been picked up by 15th March will be dropped off at the charity for clothes. (Kledingbank)
Unfortunately, we need to inform you that after almost 8 years working at Ukkepukkies Ms Jeana will say her goodbyes. Like she says she is in for a new challenge. We wish her lots of success on this new phase in her life. Her last day at Ukkepukkies will be 1st April. Ms Priscilla Nijman, who took over the work for Ms Stephanie during maternity leave, will be taking over Jeana’s work.
The parental activities will be held on:
Until the May holiday the activities for spelinloop will be:
Thursday 3rd March closure of theme called Kunst (art)
Theme called Regen (rain)
Wednesday 9th March for the red group
Friday 11th March for the yellow and blue groups
Tuesday 15th March for all groups
Monday 21st March for all groups
Thursday 31st March for all groups
Theme called Eet smakelijk (enjoy your meal)
Wednesday 6th April for the red group
Friday 8th April for the yellow and blue groups
Tuesday 12th April for all groups
Monday 18th April for all groups
Thursday 28th April for all groups
Tuesday 26 April for all groups.
On 26th April we will receive a visit of school photographer at our school for all the toddler groups.