Newsletter no 25 (March) 2015-16

Newsletter no 25 (March) 2015-16

Pasen Easter
Verlaten. Voor altijd? Lost. For always?
Een lege plek. Voorgoed? An empty place. Forever?
Geen sporen meer te zien? No traces left to see any more?
Of toch misschien. Or perhaps…
Hij gaf ons brood en wijn. He gave us bread and wine.
Zijn eigen teken: His own sign:
Je kunt je leven breken You can break your life
En delen voor velen. And share for many
We waren in de tuin. We were in the garden.
Daar ging Hij bidden: He was praying:
Ik moet een keuze maken: I need to make a choice:
Wij konden niet waken. We could not keep watch
Verlaten. Voor altijd? Lost. For always?
Een lege plek. Voorgoed? An empty place. Forever?
Geen sporen meer te zien? No traces left to see anymore?
Of toch misschien. Or perhaps…
School family service
Sunday, 10th April we like to invite you and the children to join the annual family service in Prinses Julianakerk (located in Duindorp). The service will start at 10am and the church doors will be open at 9.45am. After the service, the church will offer coffee and lemonade for the visitors.
NL65ABNA0580598128(our bank account number)
Parental fee: We made an overview of the received amounts for parental fee and like to thank everyone who took the effort to pay this amount. We noticed that quite a number of parents who did not pay this amount yet, these parents will receive a reminder. Should your child be in possession of ooievaarspass, please make sure it has been scanned at our school administration. In that case the parental fee has been taken care of as well. We will take care of the letters to request you to pay or scan the ooievaarspass. The amount for parental fee is still €32.50. When children started school as of January, this is an amount of €16.00. A friendly request for you to pay this amount so the school is able to organise all kinds of extra activities for all children with help of our active parental council. (the parents, that we like to thank for their efforts) We are aware that these are expensive days, for our school as well. That is why we still ask you to make the payment using our school bank account NL65ABNA0580598128 or if your child is in possession of ooievaarspass, please make sure it has been scanned at our school administration, which is possible every day, except for Wednesdays.
School photographer will come to school on Tuesday 26th April next for all children and brothers and sisters as well.
Bicycles; The children of groups 7 and 8 need to use the bicycle racks next to the gymnastics hall. Please make sure that the bikes that are being parked on the large school yard put correctly in the racks.
Breakfast on account of Easter
Thursday in the morning, the children were able to enjoy breakfast, immediately at 8.30am. The school OR took care of the groceries, so the children were all able to enjoy healthy and good breakfast. The children will celebrate Easter in their own groups, with their own teacher. The afternoon will also be in Easter style. The infants will be searching for Easter eggs and other groups will play games.
We wish you nice Easter weekend.
The Hague sporttuin located in Duindorp would like to consider possibilities for improvements. It would be nice if you would cooperate by filling in the survey and share your opinion on Sporttuin Duindorp. When clicking on the attached link you will be able to fill in the survey, which will take about 10-15 minutes. You would really help us out improving Sporttuin Duindorp.
Zagazoo, after school care
Were you aware that our school co-operates with Triodus for after school care? We call it BSO, which is located in our building. The Zagazoo makes sure children receive after school care between 3pm and 6pm. Ms Deborah and Ms Lisette like to guide activities and prepare a snack for children. They make sure the children enjoy themselves. The Zagazoo is also available for day care during holidays or other days that the school is not open (for instance a study day) between 7.30 am and 6pm. Do not hesitate to walk by the Zagazoo for additional information.
Please inform the school every day when your child is ill, preferably before school starts. When he or she has to visit a GP or other doctor, please make sure the teacher receives a copy of your appointment. Thank you.
Lunch hour and payments
Lunch cards are still available with Ms Hanny on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. It is also possible to make payments through your bank account using NL65ABNA0580598128. Please remember to mention your child’s name, group and of course that the amount is meant for overblijf. It is cheaper to pay for the entire year; for bovenbouw this will be an amount of €180.00 and for onderbouw €140.00. For 6 months the amounts will be €90.00 and €70.00.
It is no longer possible to pay for one separate time. A card of, for instance €5.00, will not lose its value for quite some time. When you paid for the entire year or for 6 months, we will inform the teacher. The teacher will also let you know until when the payments are due. In case of a giant arrear in payments we will inform you through a letter that you need to wipe off the arrears before your child could spend its lunch hour at school again.
Annual school trip
This year, the children of groups 1-3 will visit Linnaeushof and children of groups 4-8 will visit Duinrell. The planned day will be Thursday, 28th April.
The fee for the school trip for groups 1-3 will be € 23,50, children in possession of Ooievaarspas will only need to pay €5.00.
The fee for groups 4, 7 and 8 will be €25.00 children in possession of Ooievaarspas still need to pay €7.50. The fee for the school trip for groups 5 and 6 will also be €25.00 for children in possession of ooievaarspas as well. (the ooievaarspas had been used for parental fee and swimming)
In case of Ooievaarspas it is a necessity that the pass has been scanned at our school administration.
We will inform you through a separate letter about the school trip. In this letter we will also inform you how it will then be possible to inform the teacher that you are interested in guiding a group. For now, we do not have the possibility for you to let the teacher know that you are interested in joining the annual trip. When more parents contact the teacher to join as guide the teacher will need to pick names randomly.
After the meeting some weeks ago, we have now started with klassenouders. This means, that a parent related to the group could ask you to help out organising an activity for the group, all to support the teacher. We still do not have a sufficient amount of group related parents. Are you still interested; please contact your child’s group teacher. The check for lice will be done by the parental council and or group related parent.
Holidays this year 2015-2016
Good Friday & Easter Monday Friday 25th March & Monday 28th March
Koningsdag Wednesday 27th April 2016
May holiday Between 2nd and 17th May (including Study day)
Summer holiday Between 11th July and 19th August 2016
Social worker related to Oranjeschool (SMW) available on Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. The social worker related to school is free of charge and works confidentially. Should you want to contact her, please feel free to give her a call on: 06-41726944 or by sending an e-mail:
Lost and found items
At the gymnastics hall a number of items stay behind; jackets, bags, socks, gymnastics shoes and many more items. Please make sure you pick up the items belonging to your child(ren). Items that have not been picked up by 15th March will be dropped off at the charity for clothes. (Kledingbank).
Theme called Regen (rain)
Thursday 31st March for all groups
Theme called Eet smakelijk (enjoy your food)
Wednesday 6th April for the red group
Friday 8th April for the yellow and blue groups
Tuesday 12th April for all groups
Monday 18th April for all groups
Thursday 28th April for all groups
Important data:
Thursday all groups were able to enjoy breakfast at Peuterspeelzaal on account of Easter. This morning, we started at 8.30am and all children were picked up at 10.30am. In the afternoon, the play groups were all closed.
On Friday 25th March, the playgroups will be closed as well, on account of Good Friday.
Monday 28th March will be Easter Monday, a day that the playgroups are closed as well.
Tuesday morning, 29th March; saying goodbye to Ms Jeana
Tuesday 26 April for all groups a visit of school photographer at our school for all the toddler groups
In week 15 we want to plan the 10 minute conversations with parents. Lists for registration will be hung up at the group doors.
Tuesday morning, 24th May, the play groups will be closed; the teachers will be busy doing a course in the morning, and in the afternoon, the play groups will be open as usual.
Wednesday 1st June, the playgroups will also be closed on account of a course the teachers will be doing.