Newsletter no 11 (Nov) 2015

Newsletter no 11 (Nov) 2015

Study day on Wednesday 9th December. We do not like to make it a habit to anounce a study day at this short notice. However, we do have a study day on Wednesday 9th December next for our teachers, which means the children have no school!
Fortunately, Sinterklaas arrived in our country last Saturday with all of his helpers called Pieten. We also noticed that he was quite active all over the country. In our school as well, where the children were allowed to set their shoe. The next morning the children were a bit startled, since the Rommel Pieten made quite a mess! They did however, make it up to the children, since the children all found a present in their shoes, for which they were very thankful. We also heard that we will receive a visit of Sinterklaas and his (Rommel) Pieten on Friday 4th December next. This day, the children will be off at noon. A festivity for children, where all children will cheerfully welcome Sinterklaas and his Pieten at the school yard, which will be divided into squares for the children of the different groups. On the sides of the school yard the parents will be able to take place if they want. Afterwards, the festivities will continue in the groups, where sinterklaas will pay a visit to all the groups.
Could children of groups 7 and 8 please use the bicycle racks next to the gymnastics hall.
Klassenouders: we are pleased to see that yet a number of parents responded on our call for klassenouder. In January, we would like to invite all of them to see what can be done. If you are still interested in helping out, do not hesitate to contact the teacher.
Birth We would like to congratulate Ms Elise Mallegrom and her family with the birth their son called Laurens!
Report cards: The teachers invited the parents for a report card discussion. Please make sure you come on the day and time you were invited. In case you did not receive an invitation, please check out your child’s bag or contact the teacher.
The Library; a subscription is free of charge for children.
Trips: On regular basis we make trips to either the library or Museon. Around the corner of Ms Jenny’s group the infants have an information sign for additional information on the trips
Wheelie shoes: The wheelie shoes are not allowed in school. This means, that children coming to school wearing them need to be able to remove the wheels themselves.
Department of Leerplicht
Every school day, at 8.15am our doors open for children and their parents. All children head for their groups and the first bell rings at 8.25am and at 8.30am a second bell rings, which is the moment the teacher would really like to start working. When a child is (too) late the teacher will make note of it. When a child comes late for 3 times or more you will receive a letter urging you to make sure your child is at school on time. After 6 times we will invite you for a conversation, if you do not improve and come late 9 times or even more, we have the obligation to inform leerplicht and after 12 times leerplicht will invite you for a conversation. Sometimes parents receive a warning but most of the times you can expect a monetary penalty, since this type of absence is usually illegitimate. Additional information can be found on
Please inform the school every day when your child is ill, before school starts. When he or she has to visit a GP or other doctor, please make sure the teacher receives a copy of your appointment. Thank you.
Lunch cards and payment
Lunch cards can be bought with Ms Hannie (in the kitchen upstairs). But it would be easier if you could make the payment through your bank account, using our school account with number NL65ABNA0580598128 please remember to mention your child’s name and group and make sure that you mention it is for the payment of your child’s lunch hour (overblijf). For an entire year in bovenbouw this will be an amount of €180 and for six months €90 (cheaper than buying the cards separately). In onderbouw the amounts will be €140 for the year and for six months €70. It is no longer possible to make loose payments for one lunch hour. A card of for example €5 does not lose its value. Should you pay for six months or the entire year, the teacher will be informed and in case of payment for six months, then the teacher will let you know when you need to pay again.
The parental fee is still an amount of €32.50, please pay this amount through our school account as well for all the extra’s our school has to offer the children with help of our enthusiast members of ouderraad. (we would like to thank them for their efforts in decorating the school) Both the parental fee and the fee for swimming can also be paid by having the Ooievaarspas scanned, which is possible every day except for Wednesday.
Holidays 2015-2016
Sinterklaas afternoon of Friday 4th December
Study day Wednesday 9th December
Christmas holiday 21st December – 1st January 16
Spring holiday 22nd – 26th February 2016
Good Friday & Easter Monday Friday 25th and Monday 28th March
Konings day Wednesday 27th April 2016
May holiday 2nd – 17th May
Summer holiday 11th July – 19th August
Social worker related to Oranjeschool (SMW) available on Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. The social worker related to school is free of charge and works confidentially. Should you want to contact her, please feel free to give her a call on: 06-41726944 or by sending an e-mail:
This year as well, we like to visit the library!
We expect you with your child at the library located at Scheveningseweg on:
Group yellow will go on Tuesday 24th November at 9am.
Group Blue will go on Tuesday 24th November at 1pm.
Extra parental fee
Last week, you received an additional letter on the parental fee for the holidays. Should you not have been able to pay the parental fee just yet, please think about paying the fee in the course of next week. It is possible to hand an envelope to the teacher with the exact amount.
Saturday, our Goedheiligman arrived in Scheveningen at the harbor. This means that we have started with the theme of Sinterklaas. On Thursday and Friday our contact parents decorated the groups, which we really appreciated. We do hope that the children will be able to have a pleasant time.
Ten minute conversations
We will soon have the 10 minute conversations. These will take place on 23, 24, 25 and 26 November. Please use the sign’-in lists which will be hung up in the hall. Please check out the group your child is related to. (place your name on the list with your child’s teacher).