During school hours the fence at the Jan van Houtstraat will remain closed. In case you want to visit our school please use our main entrance, check with the administrative assistant Nirasja Taus when entering the school during school hours. Thank you in advance. (the fence will be open before school starts and after school)
Birthday celebrations: handing out treats
Children celebrating birthdays get to hand out treats to the teachers as well. We like to start the year with a minor change: Children only go to groups located at the same floor as their group. For the infants, things do not change, since they were not allowed to go upstairs, all by themselves. For groups 3 and 4 this means that they stay at the ground floor. The only exception are children of groups 5-8 who are allowed to go to group 6 and vice versa (group 6 is allowed to visit groups 5, 7, 8 and Taal). All this is to guard that children spend their time doing school work. We would however, like to see more healthy treats. Check out some ideas at www.kindertraktaties.nl. Last week, we saw a number of different treats. Candy and other sweets being treated in the groups will be given to the children to be eaten at home.
Holidays school year 2014-2015 and days off:
Spring holiday 23rd February – 27th February
Good Friday & 3rd April
Easter Monday 6th April and 7th April (including Easter weekend) a study day for the school team, children have the day off.
Koningsdag 27th April
May holiday 4th May – 15th May
2e Pinksterdag 25th May
Summer holiday 10th July – 24th August
Lice check:
Hooray, we are still free of lice. Unfortunately, we are not entirely free of nits. The groups concerned received a letter and will have extra checks. Please keep checking the children’s heads by combing the wet hairs, since the next check will be on Wednesday 4th February 2015.
Lunch hour
Children can only spend their lunch hour at school when a card for lunch has been bought with Ms Hannie in the kitchen upstairs. Ms Hannie is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Could you also please fill in the form at our school website? This way we get to make an overview for the teachers what the children’s regular days will be for spending their lunch hour at school. Without a card for lunch hour children cannot spend their lunch hour at school. We like to thank you in advance.
Coming to school too late:
Many children still enter the school after the second bell, which is too late. We would like to stress that coming to school on time is a necessity. It is not good for anyone if children enter the classroom late. When children of groups 3-8 are late: it is no longer necessary to get a “red” card, since sometimes that meant loss of time (and at times even disturbing the group twice). The teacher makes note of children that enter the group late. The first bell is at 8.25am, if everyone could make sure to be in the group at that time, the lessons could actually start at 8.30am. (second bell) When children come late to school too often we have the obligation to notify the Hague department for leerplicht, which is when children are late 9 times or more.
It goes without saying, that children cannot go home earlier without any particular reason. The teacher or member of the direction needs to be informed prior to taking a child home earlier with a legitimate reason.
Calling sick
Could you please contact our school when your child is ill before school starts (which is at 8.30am) using phone number 070-3540457. This is new policy which we are obligated to do on account of leerplicht. We need to get a phone call from home as long as your child is ill(or not feeling well)every day, preferably before the lessons start. This is another obligation of the department of leerplicht. The administration makes a round along the groups and in case the teacher had not yet received a message from you then you can expect a phone call from school. If we still do not get contact with you we are obliged to report that your child is absence illegitimately and when a child is absence more than 2 days we need to inform the department for leerplicht. That is the reason why we like to stress that you please let us know on daily basis that your child is absence, for which we like to thank you in advance. In case of an appointment with doctor(GP), dentist or any other appointment, please hand your child a note to inform the teacher. The teacher has a standard note that can be used but it is also possible to contact the school through our school website.
Skills for Kids(extended school day)
As of this week, the new lessons will start. You will receive an email with confirmation. A number of activities like Streetdance, still have room for extra children. Do not hesitate, just register.
Taalklas for infants
At our school, a pilot just started on 12th January; a Taalklas for infants. In this group the teacher likes to emphasize learning Dutch in a playful way, particularly for children of the ages 4 and 5 years. The teacher’s name is Saskia van der Schans who will be guided by HCO (The Hague organisation for guiding primary education). We like to wish her all the best.
In the morning of 13th January, children of group 3 will visit the library and groups 6 and 8 will visit the library on Thursday 15th January.
School family service For Sunday 8th February, we have planned the annual school family service in the church called Prinses Julianakerk located at the Tesselseplein. We hope you will all be able to attend the service. The children of groups 5 and 6 will prepare themselves on 5th February by visiting the church for a quest.
Activity for Spelinloop with theme called Hatsjoe!
Tuesday 20th January, for all the groups.
Thursday 29th January, for all the groups.
At the start of the part of the day your child usually visits the group we like to ask you to stay for an extra fifteen minutes. We like you to join in an activity with your child. You will come, won’t you?
In the month of February, we like to visit the library.
The dates and schedules are mentioned below:
please put the dates in your agenda so you will remember to visit the library with your child!!!
Thursday 5th February, at 10.15am the blue group will visit the library.
Thursday 5th February, at 1pm the yellow group will visit the library.
Monday 9th February, at 1.00 pm the red group will visit the libary.