Fortunately, we were able to enjoy the four nights’walk with reasonably dry weather! Congratulations to all with the nice medals.
A number of children at the infant groups seem to have been infected with a virus similar to chicken pox, which is just as contagious as chicken pox. Children become feverish and have blisters at their hands, feet and in the face. That is why we reported it to the local health authority (GGD). Since it is contagious the advice is to keep children at home as long as they have blisters.
Wednesday 22nd June:
Sponsored run
Our school will participate in a sponsored run of which the revenues will all be donated to research on Moya Moya. The run and its organisation has been initiated by Raymond Spaans, who is father of Finn from group 5. With the newsletter you will receive forms and additional information with which the children will be able to find sponsors within the family circle or immediate neighbours. We would appreciate it when you would like to help out, for instance by standing along the route making sure the children get to focus on running. Please make sure that on that day no cars are being parked in the Burgemeester van der Werfstraat or the Jan van Houtstraat.
Bingo/ tombola
The same afternoon, our school will have a bingo organised by our parental council. Both Children and their parents will be welcome between 1.30pm until approximately 3.30pm at our school yard and in the gymnastics hall. Nice prizes will be available, for instance; gifts like sun parlor Intension (subscriptions or even gift cards for a suntan), candy from Haags Snoephuis, an hour bowling at bowling alley Scheveningen, entrance tickets to Uithof, gift cards of bakery Roodenrijs, nice packages with Rituals, supermarket Jumbo created special packages (one for children, one for gents and one for ladies), restaurant Simonis made available a €25 dinner gift card, haring of Jaczon, flower shop ‘t Kegeltje created flower surprises, Boxing school Harry Houwaard will organise a boxing lesson for the entire group, even a gift card for a massage will be available and theatre Cultura will make available theatre tickets for 4 persons. This afternoon, we will have 3 bingo rounds for children and 2 tombola rounds for adults. The tickets for both the tombola and the bingo will be 3 for €5.00(€2.00 per ticket). For the children this includes a lemonade and a snack. We will have coffee and tea available with sweet and savoury snacks for a small fee. Bring your own pencil/marker/pen! The bingo revenue will be entirely for our school activities.
Bicycle exams group 7
Children in group 7 attended in the practical exams for bicycles. We are proud to let you know that they all passed the exams! Congratulations!
Memorial Scheveningse Zeelieden
Every year, a memorial service takes place in the Oude kerk and afterwards, flowers are being placed at the statue (monument) located at the promenade in which three children attending Oranjeschool participated
On Monday 13 June, children in group 8 will participate in Haagse Olympiade.
A sports event taking place at HALO located at Laan van Poot 363. The children need to get there on their own. Please take into acount that events will take place between 8am and 3.30pm. You will soon receive additional information.
Application for library (Vakantiebieb-app)
Our school children will soon receive a post card with instructions on how to use the application. Reading is important, which is why the library developed an application with many nice and adventurous ebooks. A nice way for children to keep on reading. Check out the website for additional information on www.vakantiebieb.nl .
Our school is co-operating with Triodus Zagazoo for after school care. An after school care organisation located in our own school building. The Zagazoo takes care of children after school between 3pm and 6pm. Do not hesitate to come by for additional information or if you have questions.
Children of groups 7 and 8 need to use the bicycle racks next to our school (next to the gymnastics hall). Bicycles parked on the large school yard need to be placed in the racks correctly.
Please make sure to call our school every day, preferably before school starts or as soon as possible. When visiting a GP or other doctor, please make sure the teacher has a copy of the appointment.
Lunch cards and payments
Lunch cards can still be bought with Ms Hanny on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
We do, however, appreciate bank payments using our school no NL65ABNA0580598128, mentioning your child’s name and group. Please keep in mind to also mention that the payment was made for overblijf. Payments for the entire year for bovenbouw will be an amount of €180.00 and for 6 months the amount is €90.00. For onderbouw the amount for an entire year is €140.00. It is no longer possible to pay for one separate time. Cards of for instance €5.00 will not lose value for quite some time.
When paying for a year or six months, the teacher will be notified and will also be informed when you then need to pay again. When giant arrear in payments occur we will inform you (through a letter) that you need to wipe off the arrears before your child could spend its lunch hour at school again.
Holidays 2015-2016
Summer holiday 11 July until 19 August
Holidays 2016-2017
Prinsjesdag 19 September 2016
Fall holiday 17-21 October 2016
Christmas holiday 26 December 2016 until 6 January 2017
Spring holiday 27 February- 3 March 2017
Good Friday and Easter Monday 14-17 April 2017
May holiday 24 April -5 May 2017
Ascension weekend 25 and 26 May 2017
Pentecost Monday 5 June 2017
Summer holiday 10 July-18 August
Social worker related to Oranjeschool (SMW)
present on Wednesdays in the morning and Thursdays in the afternoon.
The social worker related to our school works confidentially and free of charge. Do you have questions or worries, feel free to give her a call or send her an e-mail. Annemieke van Mulligen, phone number: 06-41726944 or e-mail: a.vanmulligen@smw-basisschool.nl
Lost and found items
At the gymnastics hall, several items are being left behind. For instance, jackets, bags, socks and gymnastics shoes and many more. Please make sure to pick up the items belonging to your child(ren). Items that have not been picked up yet, will be dropped off at the charity for clothes (kledingbank or the Red Cross)
Music camp Solleveld Are you busy during the first week of your school holiday? (Between 11 and 15 July 2016) If not, do not hesitate to join for Solleveld’s music camp kamp for children of ages between 7 and 13 years. Surprising, fun and affordable. An adventure for you to experience. In 5 days we will introduce you with music and experimenting with that, dancing and singing outdoors. We also play games, are active in sports and explore the creativity. Location: camping site Solleveld. Located at Monsterseweg (close to Kijkduin). This site has big tents. This is a day camp, so children can be brought daily between 8.30am and 9.30am and can be picked up between 4.30pm and 5.00pm. The charges for this camp will be €85.00 per child for one week. Registration is possible through our website: www.werkenaanwelzijndenhaag.nl/activiteiten/kinderen/muziekkamp. Additional information with: Martin Bruijn 06-12534207 and Ernst Fortunati 06-20715109 or through e mail: info@werkenaanwelzijndenhaag.nl .
Summer camp Ons Centrum 2016 Will you join us?
Do you look forward to starting the summer holiday in a fantastic way as well?
Ons Centrum will organise Summer camp, so do not hesitate and join us with friends. This summer camp will be with a nice group and guids between 9th and 16th July to Maarheeze located in Brabant. We will stay there in and around a camp house and will be doing awesome stuff like playing games in the woods, doing quests, swimming or even baking a fish. Would you be interested in joining and are you at least 8 years old? Do not hesitate sending us an email message on zomerkamponscentrum@outlouk.com or through our website www.prinsesjulianakerk.nl. We will then send you additional information and a registration form. It is even possible to join with a friend. We hope to meet you soon! Kind regards of the guides.
Enjoy your week!
Parental activities:
Theme: Princes and Princesses
News of the Ukkepukkies:
Activities for parents:
Theme Princes and Princesses
Thursday 16th June for all groups
Wednesday 22nd June, for the red group
Friday 24th June, for the yellow and blue group
Thursday 30th June will be teachers day, a day that all teachers will celebrate their birthdays together. We hope to have a guide for every child for about 45 minutes. This will be at the start of the morning.
These will be the last few activities for parents for this school year.
Important dates for Ukkepukkies:
Teacher’s day; Thursday 30th June, for all toddler groups (a day on which the teachers will be celebrating their birthdays) Children get to come to school dressed like a prince or princess, which is also our new theme.