NL65ABNA0580598128 –
This is the school bank account number for paying the parental fee and other payments.
On Monday 5th December we expect Sint and his Pieten to visit our school. As of 8.15am, the children and their teachers will be singing while waiting until his arrival at our school yard. Please make sure the children will be at school on time! We would like it if the entrance at the school yard will remain free, therefore we request you to not park in front of the school yard. Every year it is exciting, since it is a surprise to see how Sint will arrive at our school. Seated on a horse, by airplane or even by boat? Would that even be possible? We do not know just yet. A note for parents who want to stay for Sint’s arrival; please make sure to stand behind all the children (at the school yard, along side the school) We want to make it a nice festive party. After the school yard reception Sinterklaas will visit all the groups and the children will be off at noon. The children of the bovenbouw groups will probably be off a little later, on account of ………!!! With this newsletter (on paper) you will receive additional information with a map of the school yard. The map gives you an overview of where the children need to stand (with their teacher). This way, we hope we can all enjoy the fun!
This year, we want to have the celebrations on Wednesday 21st December. The children will be off at the usual time. Later in the afternoon, we expect the children back at school for Christmas dinner around 4.15pm in their own group (dinner will be between 4.30pm and 5.30pm). Could you please let the teacher know if it would be possible for you to make a snack for the group. We want to let you know that we hope that it will be a healthy snack. The school will take care of bread (baguettes), snack tomatoes and cucumbers. For parents and care-takers we have snacks and something to drink in the gymnastics hall. Afterwards, we will leave on foot for the celebrations in church; singing, listening to the choir and violins, a story and most of all respecting the thoughts of Christmas (being together, meeting people and connecting with the message of love and peace) We like to welcome parents and care-takers to join the service at Prinses Juliana church, located at Vlielandsestraat 1. We will walk from school as of 5.15pm, the service will start at 6pm and will be until 7pm. Since 23rd December will be a day off we will have a regular school day on 22nd December. The holiday will be between 23rd December and 8th January, so we expect all the children back to school on 9th January 2017!
Every Friday the choir practices very well and we are curious to how all the children will perform during Christmas dinner and even on 13th December at Thabor (home for the elderly).
MR We like to congratulate Jolanda Ijspelder with her membership for our school’s MR.
The amount that all parents saved together with the campaign was €2817,50. We are now seeking for something to furnish the school yard with.
School (yard); rules and regulations (reminder)
– Do not smoke at the school yard or even at the school fence
– Do not ride your bicycles at the school yard
– Do not park your car on the sidewalks
– Do not block the road when bringing your child to school or from school.
– Do not use hard soccer balls at the school yard
– First bell at 8.25am; second bell at 8.30am!!! That is when lessons start. When children are late too often; we are obliged to inform leerplicht department.
Picking up Children: parents of all children (except for infants) need to wait at the school yard.
Children are handing out treats a lot. Could you please make sure the treats are healthy? Candy cannot be treated in the group, this will be given home.
Fourth group for infants
At the start of November, we have started a new infant group, the Zeeslakjes. This group uses the room at Zagazoo and will have children who will soon become 4 years.
Hooray, a school year in which many babies are being born and expected. We like to congratulate teacher Elise Pronk with the birth of her newborn daughter Eva Nynke van der Kruk on Monday 28th November. Teacher Jessica will soon be able to enjoy her leave of absence. She will be replaced by Margrit Steijger, who will start as of Wednesday 14th December. We wish Jessica and her husband lots of luck.
In group 5 the replacement did not go as we hoped. For now, we arranged on Monday, Thursday and Friday Joyce den Hertog and Margreet Pronk has her usual days on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Group related parents
Please contact your child’s teacher if you are interested in helping out the teacher organising different activities for the group or even have ideas of your own. Anything to support the group teacher and to keep in touch with the school.
Holidays 2016-17
Afternoon for Sinterklaas 5 December (afternoon)
Christmas holiday 23 December 2016- 6 January 2017
Spring holiday 27 February- 3 March 2017
Good Friday and Easter Monday 14-17 April 2017
May holiday 24 April -5 May 2017
Ascension (weekend) 25 and 26 May 2017
Pentecost Monday 5 June 2017
Summer holiday 10 July-18 August 2017
Study days: children off Monday 8 May (After May holiday)
Tuesday 6 June
And Wednesday 7th June (annual teachers’ meeting)
Back to school on Thursday 8th June.
Annual School trip: Tuesday, 27th June school trip (will cost approximately €25.00) ->for groups 1-6.
WERKWEEK between 13th and 17th February (the amount for werkweek will be €115.00, you still have about 8 weeks to save for this amount ->for groups 7 and 8)
Bicycles Children of groups 7 and 8, please use the racks placed at the other end of the gymnastics hall. (not the school yard)
Please contact the teacher if you are interested in guiding the children to the swimming pool; when more parents help out we will be able to make a schedule. We have arranged bus transport for the children, which needs to be paid for. This is an amount of €24, we would prefer it if it could be paid into our school bank account NL65ABNA0580598128. We want to thank you in advance.
Lunch hour and its payments
Cards for lunch can still be bought with Ms Hanny every Tuesday and Friday. It goes without saying that we appreciate payments through our school bank account. (NL65ABNA0580598128) Please mention your child’s name and group and of course that the payment is being made for overblijf. For an entire year it will be an amount of €180 for bovenbouw (groups 5-8). For six months this amount is €90 (which is cheaper than buying separate cards) For onderbouw (groups 1-4) the amount for an entire year is €140. It is no longer possible to pay for one single time only. A card of for instance €5 will last for quite a while. When you made a payment for an entire year (or for 6 months) the teacher will be informed about that and when another payment is due.
Should arrears in payments occur it is only possible to spend the lunch hour at school when arrears have been wiped off. Parents/ care-takers will be informed through a letter when arrears occur.
Schoolmaatschappelijk werk – Social worker related to Oranjeschool (SMW)
At school on Wednesdays in the morning and Thursdays in the afternoon. The social worker related to our school works confidentially and free of charge. Contact details: Annemieke van Mulligen, phone number: 06-41726944 or e-mail:
Activities for spelinloop in december: 13 December 2016
Sinterklaas celebrations:
We like to celebrate on Monday 5th December with parents and expect all children with their parents on the school yard at 8.15. Festivities will last until 10am.
Afterwards, children get to go home with their parents and we wish you nice celebrations at home during pakjesavond.
Christmas celebrations:
Thursday 22nd December for all groups between 8.30am and 11.30am; the infants will have the afternoon off. You will receive an additional invitation.
Christmas holiday:
Friday 23rd December until tot 8 January 2017
The Ukkepukkies team would like to wish you great holidays.
Enjoy your week!!!