Lunch hour: cards
Ms Hannie is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the kitchen upstairs for the sales of the cards.
On Friday 20th February the holiday will start at 3pm for children of groups 5-8 and at noon for all children of the lower groups (1-4). We like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday and hope to seeing everyone again on Monday 2nd March next.
School photographer On Tuesday 17th March the school photographer will visit both our school and the Ukkepukkies. After school hours he will make time for children who do not attend our school or the Ukkepukkies. (bigger brothers or sisters or also the children not big enough to attend the Ukkepukkies or our school) You will find the sign-in lists as of 3rd March next, on the table at the main entrance, which you get to fill in. You will receive additional information later this month.
Monday 2nd March
The children attending the group called Zeeslakjes with Ms Saskia usually return to their regular groups on Fridays. On Monday 2nd March that will also be the case since the room will be used by the NSO where children of another school are being taken care of. This will also be the case on Tuesday 26th May next.
After two succesful performances we like to continue with the school choir. Would you still be interested in joining and you are in groups 5-8 do not hesitate contacting Ms Lidia Taal. In church we were fortunate since Ruben Knoester was able to guide us. It would be very nice to have someone guiding us structurally. We are now looking for someone who would be willing and able to guide us. Could you or would you be able to make time for us, please do not hesitate and let us know.
Birthday celebrations: handing out treats
We would like to see more healthy treats. Check out some ideas at During the past week we saw a number of healthy treats, which we really appreciate! Candy being treated to the children will be given to the children to be eaten at home.
Lice check:
Hooray, we are still free of lice. Unfortunately, we are no longer free of nits. The groups concerned received a letter and will have extra checks. Please keep checking the children’s heads by combing the wet hairs, since the next check will be on Friday 6th March 2015.
Coming to school too late:
Many children still enter the school after the second bell, which is too late. We would like to stress that coming to school on time is a necessity. It is not good for anyone if children enter the classroom late. When children of groups 3-8 are late: it is no longer necessary to get a “red” card, since sometimes that could mean loss of time (and at times even disturbing the group twice). The teacher makes note of children that enter the group late. The first bell is at 8.25am, if everyone could make sure to be in the group at that time, the lessons could actually start at 8.30am. (second bell) When children come late to school too often we have the obligation to notify the Hague department for leerplicht, which is when children are late 9 times or more.
It goes without saying, that children cannot go home earlier without any particular reason. The teacher or member of the direction needs to be informed prior to taking your child home earlier with a legitimate reason. (doctor’s appointment, or any other appointment during school hours)
School trip Thursday 30 April 2015 we can look forward to the annual Oranjeschool school trip! This time, we made arrangements for amusement park Drievliet.
The expenses will be estimated at an amount of €25 per child. For now, we are busy calculating and you will be informed additionally about the exact amount.
Applying as guide for the group is not necessary just yet, since it is not clear for us yet what number we need to think of per group. The trip will be applicable for groups 1-6 since groups 7 and 8 have been on their trip to Wilhelminaoord. We will inform you as soon as possible.
Calling sick/ absence
Could you please contact our school when your child is ill before school starts (which is at 8.30am) using phone number 070-3540457. This is new policy which we are obligated to do on account of leerplicht. We need to get a phone call from home as long as your child is ill (or not feeling well) every day, preferably before the lessons start. This is another obligation of the department of leerplicht. The administration makes a round along the groups and in case the teacher had not yet received a message from you then you can expect a phone call from school. If we still do not get contact with you we are obliged to report that your child is absence illegitimately and when a child is absence more than 2 days we need to inform the department for leerplicht. That is the reason why we like to stress that you please let us know on daily basis that your child is absence, for which we like to thank you in advance. In case of an appointment for doctor(GP), dentist or any other appointment, please hand your child a note to inform the teacher. The teacher has a standard note that can be used.
Vakantiepas Club; spring holiday
The creators of the ZomervakantiePas have a number of discounts for the spring holiday as well.
Some examples are: diving into Tikibad at Duinrell, looking for dinasaurs at the Museon or participating in a workshop from Rabarber’s theatre school for youth.
Children of elementary schools get to apply as VP club member through the website About 2 weeks before every school holiday they will receive an email with coupons and a link connected to the website where activities have been described.
Should your child not be VP Club member, do not hesitate and apply (free of charge) through
Toddler group: Samenspel
Every Wednesday morning between 8.30am and 10.30am a nice group of parents attend this group to play with their child. We work on the themes that the Ukkepukkies work on as well.At this moment that is the theme called Circus. On account of the holiday the group cannot be attended on Wednesday 25th February next.
We have started with the theme called circus. The children really like the theme. They like to dress up as clowns. With the theme we organise activities for spelinloop as well. The schedule can be found here, but the activity for spelinloop we mentioned last week for 2nd March will not continue.
Activities for Spelinloop related to theme Circus:
Wednesday 18th February for the Red group.
Friday 20th February for the yellow and the Blue group.
Thursday 12th March for all the groups.
Tuesday 24th March for all the groups.
This is the final day we work on the theme, it would be nice if you could all join!
The toddler groups will all be closed between Monday 23rd February and Friday 27th February on account of the spring holiday.
As of Monday 2nd March the toddlers will start with an additional activity called Swingdance. You will receive additional information.
The school photographer will visit us on 17th March next.
We wish you a nice week!