The infant groups went to the library, which they enjoyed very much. Ms Karin read a story from a book about a crab who had a terrible itch on his back.
Together the children thought of solutions to solve crab’s problems. Afterwards, the children searched for a book they could read in the group (at school). During the lessons at school the children get the choice to read in a special corner. An activity they can choose for every day before the lessons start. (before 8.30am)
During the past few weeks they worked with the characters s, k and j. At home as well they can play a number of games with the letters. For instance; Ik zie ik zie en het begint met de letter k (I see, I see and it starts with letter k) When reading from a book another game in search for the different letters can be played. (count how many times the letter s has been printed on the page) It would also be an idea to think of an activity with food. For instance, when you cut an orange in order to create orange juice (sinaasappelsap) think of other words that start with the letter s.
Soon, the kinderboekenweek will start. This year, the theme will have everything to do with nature, science and technical issues. We will be working with the picture book A hole in my bucket (Een gat in mijn emmer) written by Ingrid and Dieter Schubert. This year, we will have a visit of real authors. The book market will be held on 14th October. This Wednesday, you are welcome to buy a nice book at our school to read at home.
As of next week, we will ask the children to bring different fall items to school. For example branches, colored leafs, chest nuts, beech nuts, oak nuts and other types of fall fruits.
Klassenouders (Parents related to the group)
Many times we appeal in our news letter for parents who want to help us out with walking to the library or other type of help with an activity in or outside the school. (like Museon) We are looking for parents who want to be more involved with activities our school organises. With this news letter we would like to add a separate letter with additional information, with which you could let the teacher know that you are interested and also when you have ideas yourself you could contact the group teacher yourself to discuss your ideas.
We would like to start on Friday with choir practice, for which you will also receive a separate letter with the news letter (on paper).
Mission We would like to continue collecting money for the charity Watoto, for another year. Every group has their own box where children get to donate money on regular basis. So far, we have saved an amount of €600 which is a beautiful amount; perhaps we could make turn that into an amount of €1,000. With which children can be taken care of in their own village, once children no longer have parents to take care of them.
Our school is proud to be a non smoking school, which is applicable for the school yard as well. Please do not smoke on the neighbours’ doorsteps and remember to not leave any of the cigarette remains on the sidewalks. Thank you in advance.
A new face
In our school we have a new colleague, called, Henny Bult. She helps supporting the children who need extra help. As of this week different children from different groups receive additional help from both Henny Bult and Astrid vd Bergh. Probably you already heard their names during the conversations you had recently with the teacher. In order to get acquainted, Henny Bult will invite parents of children she will be giving extra support.
Lunch cards and parental fee
Lunch cards can be bought with Ms Hannie, upstairs in the kitchen. Did you know that it is also possible to buy your lunch card through your own bank account? If you would like to do so, please use our school bank account with number NL65ABNA0580598128, remember to mention your child’s name and group and that you want to purchase a lunch card. Thank you. It is also possible to pay for the entire year. For children in bovenbouw, that would be an amount of €180 and for half the year an amount of €90. In onderbouw that will be an amount of €140 for the entire year(€70 for six months) This is with a discount, compared to buying cards all year long.
The parental fee is still an amount of €32.50. Please make sure you use our school number to pay this amount for all the extra activities our school has to offer the children with help of our enthusiast members of ouderraad. (parental council)
Department of Leerplicht
Every school day at 8.15am our doors open for children and their parents. All children head for their groups and the first bell rings at 8.25am and at 8.30am a second bell rings, which is the moment the teacher would really like to start teaching. When a child is too late the teacher will make note of it. When a child comes late for 3 times or more you will receive a letter urging you to make sure your child is at school on time. After 6 times we will invite you for a conversation, if you do not improve and come late 9 times or more we have the obligation to inform leerplicht and after 12 times leerplicht will invite you for a conversation. Sometimes parents receive a warning but most of the times you can expect a monetary penalty, since this type of absence is usually illegitimate. Additional information can be found on
Please inform the school every day before the school starts when your child is ill and when he or she has to visit a GP or other doctor, please make sure the teacher receives a copy of your appointment. Thank you.
This year as well, we will work with pauzefit, the children spending their lunch hour at school will be able to attend the sports lessons during their lunch hour guided by a qualified teacher of the foundation called Wijs. It goes without saying that the children do get time to eat quietly as well.
School swimming
Children of groups 5 and 6 will have swimming lessons on Monday mornings. We hope that a number of parents will be willing to guide them. For the swimming lessons we have arranged transport by bus, which costs €24 per child to be paid into our school account NL65ABNA0580598128, mentioning the child’s name and group number.
Home work guidance
For children of groups 7 and 8 only we have arranged homework guidance, for which you can hand in an application with the group teacher. We will start on Thursday 17th September between 3 and 4pm. The final lesson will be on Thursday 9th June 2016.
Instead of Tuesday 29th September the guidance will be replaced to Monday 28th September, only once!
Parental class Goed, beter, best
This year as well, we have started with a class for parents called Goed, beter, best. In the groups we have mothers from countries all over the world. They receive classes every Wednesday morning when their children are at school. The mothers learn a lot about our infant and toddler themes like for instance illness, health and food and drinks. At this moment, the theme is called buitenspelen (playing outside) and hoera, een baby (hooray, a baby). The words and songs that are related to the themes. This way, the mothers learn how to help their child even better. When more parents would like to join, it is possible. Please contact the director Janneke Demoet and come by on Wednesday in the morning and check it out if it is something for you.
Kind regards from Frédérique van Waardenburg teacher of Goed, beter, best
Holidays 2015-2016
Fall holiday 19th – 23rd October
Sinterklaas Friday afternoon of 4th December
Christmas holiday 21st December – 1st January 16
Spring holiday 22nd – 26th February 2016
Good Friday & Eastermonday 25th and 28th March
Koningsday Wednesday 27th April 2016
May holiday 2nd – 17th May
Summer holiday 11th July – 19th August 2016
Social worker related to Oranjeschool
I would like to make use of this occasion to introduce myself. My name is Annemieke van Mulligen and I am social worker related to Oranjeschool. Every Wednesday as of 8.30am and on Thursday as of 1pm I am at the school where you could come by for a conversation. The topics I work on are very diverse, for instance:
• When your child is being teased, teases himself or has difficulties with school(work)
• When your child has been troubled by difficulties
• When your child has problems with listening or fights a lot
• When your child’s self-confidence is low
When your family is going through a rough period (for instance due to a divorce, troubles of different natures, financial or otherwise) In a first conversation I would like to take a closer look at your situation and together we will find out which steps need to be taken. Perhaps you might need another type of help. The social worker related to school is free of charge. Should you want to contact me, please feel free to give me a call on: 06-41726944 or by sending me an e-mail: Yours truly,
Annemieke van Mulligen
Like you can all see that Ms Stephanie is expecting a baby and her maternity leave will soon start. Next Friday 25th September will be her last day at our play groups and we hope to see her again in good health in the course of January next year (2016). She will be replaced, of course and we have arranged for someone to fill the gap permanently, her name is Priscilla Nijman, who started already on the days that Stephanie usually is around so the children get used to her quite easily.
In September we will be closed on:
Tuesday afternoon of 29th September.
In October we will be closed on:
Fall holiday between 19th October and 23rd October
In November we will be closed on :
Tuesday 3rd November in the afternoon.
We wil visit the library, this year as well! Please make sure both you and your child come to the library located at Scheveningseweg on the following dates/times:
Group Red at 10.15am on Wednesday 18th Nobember. The children will first be expected at school.
Group yellow at 9am of Tuesday 24th November next.
Group Blue at 1pm of Tuesday 24th November next.
First aid for children Especially for parents of children attending Ukkepukkies or the group Spelenderwijs, we have arranged a meeting with a theme: first aid for children on 29th September. We will have coffee or tea ready for you as of 6.30pm and would like to start at 7pm. Please make sure you are on time when you handed in your application for this night.