The school’s participation council (MR) is looking for a new member!
We would like to invite parents who would be interested in thinking about school related issues and even decide with management about these, please contact:
Marga Smit, teacher Taalklas
Dirk-Jan van Rooijen, teacher group 6
Applications are possible until 9 September
During these warm days please note that it is advisable to bring extra water to school, for instance in a small (water) bottle or lidded cup.
Since Thursday is 1st September you will receive a newsletter, but after this one you will not receive one until the week of (Monday) 3 October. You will receive a calendar for the month September as well. You can also expect an invitation for the conversation to get to know the teacher. During that conversation you will also receive a school guide for this school year 2016-2017.
It is good to see all the children again, since everyone started by now.
Many children celebrated birthdays during the holiday, that is why many treats come by as well. Please make sure that the treats are healthy. Thank you. Even the teachers do not mind a healthy treat. Children need to remain on their floor when bringing by treats to the teachers. Infants and groups 3 and 4 down stairs and bovenbouw groups (including group 6) upstairs, first floor.
Thursday 8 and Friday 9 September (next week already) we will have the sportive start of our school year. We hope to be able to count on your cooperation. The infant groups start at the beach at 9am (leaving school at 8.30am) and return around llam. Right on time to have lunch (either at home or at school). Middenbouw (Groups 3, 4, 5 and group 5-6) will have their turn in the afternoon. These groups will be leaving at 12.30pm, meaning that everyone gets to spend lunch hour at school (for no additional charges) the games will take until 14.30 after which the children will walk back to school. The next day, Friday 9 September bovenbouw groups will have their turn. They will start at 9am (leave school at 8.30am) until I lam, the time they will walk back to school again. Please contact your child’s group teacher if you are interested in helping us out. Even with a little rain the games will continue, but we do hope for nice weather!
Swimming and lunch cards
Groups 5 and 5-6 have started with swimming lessons in swimming pool the Blinkerd and children of group 6 go to swimming pool the Waterthor (with teacher Dirk-Jan). Children of groups 5 and 5-6 come back a little earlier than group 6. Everyone gets the opportunity to spend lunch hour at school, but having lunch at home is also possible. Children of group 6 all need to spend their lunch hour at school. (no additional charges).
Getting acquainted
Like every year, we will invite parents to get acquainted with your child’s new teacher on either Monday 5 or Tuesday 6 September. We call this conversation a kennismakingsgesprek, but its content is broader. We would like to hear from you what your child’s expectations and possibilities will be for the next school year. The teacher will inform you on the specifics for this school year. Think of learning for tests, sustaining homework, or handing in assignments correctly and on time. We would like it if you could prepare for the conversation by making notes of what you want to tell the teacher about your child and this way, a mutual conversation could take place much easier. You will receive this year’s school guide as well.
Last year, we started with the group related parents, also called klassenouders. Do not hesitate to contact the group teacher if you are interested. Together with the group teacher working on extra activities for the group. For instance, visiting a museum, festivities and other activities. In September we would like to organise a meeting in which we can gather additional information. We are still looking for a suitable date.
Holidays 2016-2017 (Oranjeschool)
Schoolbrengdag Thursday 15 september
SCOH study day Prinsjesdag Monday 19 September 2016(aIl children and toddlers off) Tuesday 20 September 2016, (a day off for all, the teachers as well)
Fall holiday 17-21 October 2016
Afternoon for Sinterklaas 5 December (afternoon)
Christmas holiday 23 December 2016- 6 January 2017
Spring holiday 27 February- 3 March 2017
Good Friday and Easter Monday 14-17 April 2017
May holiday 24 April -5 May 2017
Ascension (weekend) 25 and 26 May 2017
Pentecost Monday 5 June 2017
Summer holiday 10 July-18 August 2017
Study days: children off Monday 31 October 2016
Monday 8 May (After May holiday)
Tuesday 6 June (annual teachers’ meeting)
Schedule for gymnastics 2016-2017
Monday morning the infants have gymnastics: Zeesterren, Zeehondjes, Zeepaardjes,
Monday afternoon: groups 7 and 8
Wednesday morning: groups 4A, 4B, and 3.
Thursday morning: groups 8, 7, 6 and 5/6
Thursday afternoon: group 5 Friday morning: groups 4a, 4B and 3
With last week’s newsletter you received a letter written by Ms Marielle Sabee, our teacher for gymnastics informing you about clothings, shoes and so on.
Children of groups 7 and 8, please use the racks placed at the other end of the gymnastics hall. (not the school yard)
Jumbo savings campaign
As of Wednesday 7th September, Jumbo will have a nice savings campaign; saving for school. When spending €10 you will receive a school point. You will be able to grant school points to the school of your choice. We would like to ask you to grant them to our school. Of the points we collect we can then buy extra materials to learn from and play with for the children.
On the internet at you can look up our school and take a closer look at our school’s saving goals. On the site you can also immediately grant your points to our school. But you can also hand in your collected points to our school. At our main entrance you will be able to find a dropbox where you or the children get to leave the points.
Lost and found items
This week, we will still have boxes with lost and found items of before the holiday. Mainly clothings, but afterwards, we will donate these for charity.
Swimming lessons
Monday 29 August, was the first swimming lessons for groups 5, 5-6 and 6. Children attending Taa/klas and who do not have a swimming diploma will get the chance to join the swimming lessons. You received the correct timetable in a separate letter. Should you be interested in guiding the group to swimming lessons, please contact your group teacher. When more parents apply it will be easier to make a schedule. For transporting the children to the swimming pool we have arranged bus transport, which costs us €24.00 which can be paid using our school bank account number NL65ABNA0580598128
News letter
So far, you were used to receiving a newsletter every week. This will change. Every first week of the month you will receive a newsletter with a monthly calendar. The newsletter is also being placed on our school website. Please read it, since it has important information regarding our school, education in general and a whole lot more.
Lunch hour and its payments
Cards for lunch can still be bought with Ms Hanny on Tuesdays and Fridays. It goes without saying that we would also appreciate payments through our school bank account. (NL65ABNA0580598128) Please mention your child’s name and group and of course that the payment is being made for overblijf. For an entire year it will be an amount of €180 for bovenbouw (groups 5-8). For six months this amount is €90 (which is cheaper than buying cards) For onderbouw (groups 1-4) the amount for an entire year is €140. It is not possible to pay for one time only. A card of for instance €5 will last for quite a while.
When you made a payment for the entire year (or for 6 months) the teacher will be informed about that and when another payment is due. When arrears in payments occur for children who like to spend their lunch hour at school it is only possible when the arrears have been wiped off. Parents/ care takers will be informed with a letter when arrears occur.
Parental class
For parents and care takers of young children we have the class called Goed, Beter, Best. Every Wednesday morning at 8.30am we have a class for parents of infants and toddlers. You will then receive a folder with materials and information on young children and their development. The class is meant to inform you on the themes that are being used in the playgroups and infant groups. Every Friday morning ROC Mondriaan will take care of Dutch language lessons for parents. These lessons will start on 25th August and will also start at 8.30am. We would like to welcome parents who are interested!
This year, we will start working with Kwink. This is a teaching method for social and emotional learning at school, for which we chose. This is an online teaching method for all groups in basisonderwijs (elementary school). The teaching method aims on prevention (of for instance teasing at school) and the power of a safe group. Other subjects will also be worked on for instance citizenship, social integration and knowledge in working with (social)media. Your child will profit from an optimal cooperation between school and home. Children experience a good feeling of safety when you are clear about values and regulations. Kwink teaching method stimulates cooperation between school and parents with assignments and additional information for at home. With Kwink we meet legal requirements for social safety policy at school and with this method we work on core goals like ‘Orientation on yourself and the world”.
Social worker related to Oranjeschool (SMW)
At school on Wednesdays in the morning and Thursdays in the afternoon. The social worker related to our school works confidentially and free of charge. Do you have questions or worries, feel free to give her a call or send her an e-mail. Contact details: Annemieke van Mulligen, phone number: 06-41726944 or e-mail:
We like to welcome everyone after a nice holiday. It is nice to see everyone again. We started with nice weather which leads to water fun at the school yard.
Parental activities for the theme Kunst: Tuesday 30 August, 6 September and 15 September for all groups.
Monday 19 September will be a study day for all employees related to SCOH. The children will have the day off. Tuesday 20 September will be Prinsjesdag and children in schools in The Hague have this day off. Monday 26 September the play groups will be closed in the afternoon. Teachers will then have a meeting for studies.
We wish you and the children a nice week!