Newsletter no 36 (July) 2015-16

Newsletter no 36 (July) 2015-16

Sponsored run
Quite a large amount came in for Wilhelminaziekenhuis for research on Moya Moya. We like to thank everyone! Donations are still coming in, but so far, we already counted €3000.00, which is Super! In the local newspaper article, you will be able to read more on the sponsored run. (in Dutch on paper)
Goodbye, Ms Hanny Wednesday 6th July we will say goodbye to Ms Hanny. For years, she was there for children, parents and team. She was as steady as a rock; for sales of lunch cards, she spent lunch time with the children, made copies, took care of coffee and tea, school milk and so much more. Too much to even mention. She was there calm, doing her job with friendliness and cheerfulness.
We will surely miss her and would like to thank her for all the efforts she made for us. Fortunately, we have not lost you completely, since we will still be seeing you during lunch hours. (at least twice per week). We are happy with that.
Wednesday, 6th July between 12.15 and 1pm both you and the children will be having the opportunity to say goodbye to Ms Hanny in the team room.
Report cards
Wednesday 6 July, will also be the day that the report cards will be given to children. We will not have discussions for this report card. If you feel like you need to talk to the teacher about it, you are welcome to contact the teacher for a conversation. In some cases, the teacher will contact parents to clarify this report card.
CITO Tests: Entreetoets
The results have been discussed with children of group 7.
We also received the test results for group 6. You will receive these with the report cards. Should you appreciate to talk to the teacher, please do so at the start of the new school year.
High spirited children with the VakantiePas (holiday pass)
We are heading for the summer holiday, and also get to look forward to a new VakantiePas. A brochure in the size of a passport with many coupons and nice ideas for the holiday. As of 20th June elementary school children in The Hague will receive the Vakantiepass from their school. The pass represents a value of at least €300.00 of discounts for children, their parents and gives an overview of all the summer activities in the region and in the city.
The Vakantiepass gives children a chance to discover their living environment by stimulating them and enabling them to participate in ‘new’ activities. Activities can be visited with a discount and have been divided over many fields like for instance, art and culture, sports and recreation, nature and environment and human beings and their environment.
This year, they also have the possibility to win tickets for Duinrell or even a bicycle. The VakantiePass dedicated an entire chapter on how they get to do this. Additional information is also mentioned on the internet site with more information and activities that did not fit in the paper issue.
Passing from group 2 to 3
On Monday 4th July, the children of group 2 would like to show you that they are ready to go on to group 3. Parents will receive an invitation. Children will have the opportunity to get acquainted with their new teacher. (in some cases)
Getting acquainted
On the very same day, the children of groups 3-8 and Taal will get the opportunity to get acquainted to their new teacher in the morning.
Group 8
The final Goodbye-musical will take place on Tuesday 5th July and that day, the children will practice doing the musical in a dress rehearsal. Wednesday 6th July, the children will say their official good byes to the children and teachers of other groups, before they make the step to secondary school. We like to wish all children of group 8 lots of success on Tuesday with the musical but also at their new schools.
Picking up your child and bringing to school
Please notice that the cars are not being parked on sidewalks near the school when picking up your child or bring him or her to school. This way, everyone can go through easily without being obstructed, which is also safer for everyone involved.
Children of groups 7 and 8 need to use the bicycle racks next to our school (next to the gymnastics hall). Bicycles parked on the large school yard need to be placed in the racks correctly.
Please make sure to call our school every day, preferably before school starts or as soon as possible. When visiting a GP or other doctor, please make sure the teacher has a copy of the appointment.
Lunch cards and payments
Lunch cards can still be bought with Ms Hanny on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
We do, however, appreciate bank payments using our school no NL65ABNA0580598128, mentioning your child’s name and group. Please keep in mind to also mention that the payment was made for overblijf. Payments for the entire year for bovenbouw will be an amount of €180.00 and for 6 months the amount is €90.00. For onderbouw the amount for an entire year is €140.00. It is no longer possible to pay for one separate time. Cards of for instance €5.00 will not lose value for quite some time.
When paying for a year or six months, the teacher will be notified and will also be informed when you then need to pay again. When giant arrear in payments occur we will inform you (through a letter) that you need to wipe off the arrears before your child could spend its lunch hour at school again.
Our school is co-operating with Triodus Zagazoo for after school care; an after school care organisation located in our own school building. The Zagazoo takes care of children after school between 3pm and 6pm. Do not hesitate to come by for additional information or if you have questions.
Holidays 2015-2016
Summer holiday 11 July until 19 August
Holidays 2016-2017
SCOH study day 19 September
Prinsjesdag 20 September 2016
Fall holiday 17-21 October 2016
Christmas holiday 26 December 2016 until 6 January 2017
Spring holiday 27 February- 3 March 2017
Good Friday and Easter Monday 14-17 April 2017
May holiday 24 April -5 May 2017
Ascension weekend 25 and 26 May 2017
Pentecost Monday 5 June 2017
Summer holiday 10 July-18 August
Study days: Monday 31 October
(as far as known at the moment) Monday 8 May (immediately after May holiday)
Social worker related to Oranjeschool (SMW)
present on Wednesdays in the morning and Thursdays in the afternoon.
The social worker related to our school works confidentially and free of charge. Do you have questions or worries, feel free to give her a call or send her an e-mail. Contact details: Annemieke van Mulligen, phone number: 06-41726944 or e-mail:
Lost and found items At the gymnastics hall, several items are being left behind. For instance, jackets, bags, socks and gymnastics shoes and many more. Please make sure to pick up the items belonging to your child(ren). Items that have not been picked up yet, will be dropped off at the charity for clothes (kledingbank or the Red Cross)
Enjoy a nice week!